At MWC17, we received many engineers in the CommScope stand who deal with us on a daily basis, all very interested in the solutions we offer, but their interest did not only stay in our products. People approached us with their network challenges, told us about their specific projects, and asked us questions seeking our opinion. They were interested in talking to us in order to determine the situation they want for their networks. For CommScope, this is rewarding because we have worked hard over the years to not only be a global benchmark in infrastructure solutions and networks, but also to become consultants and opinion leaders in the industry.
Having clients come to us asking for our proposals, suggestions and solutions to their problems is the essence of our objective. We have been working hard in Latin America to build greater collaboration with our customers; seeing this happen at MWC was re-assuring. We have succeeded in establishing ourselves as a company in whom customers trust and to whom they come.
Now more than ever, it is very important to have a reliable and agile partners, as the emergence of smart cities and the Internet of Things is gaining more and more traction in people's lives. That's why we at CommScope will remain committed to our customers, helping them prepare for these new technologies through our experience, solutions and insights. This is how we will continue to connect people from all over the world.