(Note: The following has been submitted as a guest post to CommScope Blogs by Ajiboye Emmanuel Opeyemi, Head of Engineering at ipNX Nigeria. Opinions and comments provided in this guest post, as with all posts to CommScope Blogs, are that of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of CommScope.)
Many of my global colleagues take their smartphones for granted. Some boast about the incredible photography tricks or artificial intelligence powered software. All the buzz around foldable 5G phones make it easy to forget that billions of people don’t have a smartphone. In Nigeria, 44 percent of adults own a basic mobile phone while 17 percent did not have any device, according to Statista.
CLICK TO TWEET: Ajiboye Emmanuel Opeyemi explains how ipNX and CommScope are deploying Nigeria’s first fiber-to-the-home network.
While having a smartphone may sound like a luxury, mobile internet access is a key enabler for socio-economic development. The good news is smartphone adoption is poised for growth in the region as consumers are hungry for data and want coverage no matter what.
Nigeria’s first fiber to the home network
As Africa’s biggest economy experiences growth in non-oil sectors such as telecoms, we are seeing investment in broadband connectivity for the enterprise, small businesses and individuals.
We believe that the Chinese proverb, “Dig a well before you are thirsty,” holds the same truth for our business. If our region wants to be part of the connected future, it’s important to invest in fiber today.