Divulgação da lei sobre transparência nas cadeias de suprimentos da Califórnia
A CommScope tem o compromisso de conduzir seus negócios de uma maneira ética, legal e socialmente responsável. Esperamos que os fornecedores compartilhem desse compromisso; assim, estabelecemos o nosso Código de Conduta do Fornecedor.
Os fornecedores da CommScope devem aderir a este código, o qual requer que seus negócios sejam conduzidos de acordo com os mais altos padrões de comportamento ético e conforme as leis e regulamentos dos países, estados e localidades onde eles operam. Isso inclui, entre outros, as leis e regulamentos relativos a anticorrupção, proteção ambiental, saúde e segurança ocupacional, e práticas trabalhistas.
Although there may be different legal and cultural environments applicable to our suppliers, our Supplier Code of Conduct requires each supplier to meet the following standard in order to do business with us:
CommScope expects its suppliers to adopt sound labor practices and treat their workers fairly in accordance with local laws and regulations. In addition, suppliers must comply with the “Freely Chosen Employment” standard, which expressly prevents the use of forced labor, whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or otherwise.
Our suppliers are expected to provide written confirmation of their adherence to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
CommScope representatives engage in monitoring activities to confirm our suppliers’ compliance to the Supplier Code of Conduct, including on-site audits and inspections of facilities, use of questionnaires, review of publicly available information, or other measures necessary to assess suppliers’ performance. These activities are included in our processes for Supplier Selection and Supplier Management.
CommScope does not engage third-party auditors to audit suppliers. On-site audits and inspections are performed by our Supplier Quality Engineers. Given the scale of our supply chain, CommScope schedules the supplier audits based on a risk assessment approach.
CommScope works with its suppliers to address gaps identified during the audits and inspections and expects any gaps to be closed within a specified timeframe. In addition to all other legal and contractual rights, CommScope reserves the right to disqualify any potential supplier or terminate its relationship with any current supplier found to be in violation of our Supplier Code of Conduct.
CommScope also conducts internal audits of its own large manufacturing facilities. These audits are typically conducted by our CoRe Team members: Corporate Human Resources, Corporate Legal, Corporate EHS and Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability departments.
CommScope employees are trained in our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, Labor Policy and other applicable corporate, regional and site-specific policies and procedures where responsibilities and accountabilities are clearly described.
This disclosure is intended to comply with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act. For further information, please refer to related CommScope policies: Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, Labor Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct.