
On your side

We aim to conduct business with a degree of authenticity that is worthy of the trust and respect of our customers. We do this by empowering our employees to represent CommScope with integrity, supporting our people and communities by:

  • Managing, mentoring and nurturing our talented professionals
  • Establishing and maintaining optimal workplace conditions
  • Ensuring a diverse employee community
  • Participating in philanthropic activities near our facilities
  • Inspiring a culture of proactive health and fitness

These business practices foster a respectful culture of diverse perspectives, mutual collaboration and healthy growth.

Labor Practices

CommScope is committed to uphold the human rights of its employees. To ensure that our employees are treated with dignity and respect, we follow a well-established labor policy that aligns with recognized standards and guidelines from the International Labor Organization, the United Nations Global Compact, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, SA8000 and applicable laws.

In accordance with the international standards supporting our management systems, we regularly assess risks and opportunities related to labor practices in our operations and supply chain. Our global labor policy addresses important issues like health and safety, child labor, wages and benefits, working hours, freely chosen employment, discrimination and diversity, humane treatment and freedom of association. We provide a safe working environment and protect the well-being of our employees, customers, suppliers and communities.

By engaging and training our employees, monitoring our progress, conducting periodic audits and sharing best practices, we’re working hard to manage risks related to labor practices and improve the experience of working for us.

Select your language below to download our Labor Policy

English (Inglês) |  Chinese (Chinês) |  Czech (Tcheco) |  Dutch (Holandês) |  French (Francês)  |  German (Alemão)  |  Hindi  |  Italian (Italiano)  |  Portuguese (Português)  |  Spanish (Espanhol)

Select your language below to download our EHS Policy (updated 2021)

English (Inglês)  |  Chinese (Chinês)  |  Czech (Tcheco)  |  Dutch (Holandês)  |  French (Francês)  |  German (Alemão)  |  Hindi  |  Italian (Italiano)  |  Portuguese (Português)  |  Spanish (Espanhol)

Diversity and Inclusion

Our vision for diversity is to create an inclusive environment that draws upon the strength of the diversity within our workforce to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers, employees and owners. Respectful collaboration and inclusive openness is the key to making it possible. CommScope’s workforce is comprised of individuals of many races, cultures and geographies. That’s something we take pride in, and work constantly to support.

Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), currently a part of our U.S. operations, are a vital part of our commitment to foster an inclusive work environment by cultivating a sense of community. An ERG is a cross-functional team founded by employees focused on a shared purpose, interest, activity or background. Like CommScope, more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies actively support ERGs as a function of promoting volunteerism, community outreach, professional development, mentorship, minority representation and brand advocacy. As CommScope grows globally, sense of global community will drive our success. Grassroots ERGs help shape our company-wide culture, offer a platform to share ideas and creative solutions, and help guide the company’s future.

Community Involvement

CommScope facilities sponsor local philanthropic projects throughout the year. For some volunteers, this act of giving back means lending a helping hand in a time of crisis. For others, it takes the form of participation in a charitable activity. For many, it means doing little things that make a genuine difference in people’s lives. In addition to local efforts, CommScope also organizes companywide, global giving events including food and blood drives that benefit thousands of recipients. As part of the company 40th anniversary, employees around the world donated more than five tons of food for charity. That’s estimated to be enough to supply more than 8.400 meals. Employees also donated enough blood to save more than 1.000 lives.