Recursos de treinamento

Training Requests

Below is a list of training courses that you can request. In order to request a course, please send us an email by using this link.

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Course Type
CHP Max5000 Converged Headend Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas 
CH3000 Optical Headend Platform Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
Element Management System 
Opti‐Trace Network Management Software Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
CORView Element Management Software Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
Optical Distribution Nodes 
NC4000 1 GHz Fiber Deep Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
NC4000 1 GHz Segmentable HFC Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
NC2000 1.2 GHz RPD/RMD Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
NC2000 1.2 GHz Segmentable HFC Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
NC2000 1 GHz Segmentable HFC Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
NC4000 1.2 GHz RPD/RMD Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
NC4000 1.2 GHz Fiber Deep Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
NC4000 1.2 GHz Segmentable Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
Opti Max® 6000 1.2 GHz RPD/RMD Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
Opti Max 6000 1.2 GHz Fiber Deep Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
Opti Max 6000 1.2 GHz HFC Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
Opti Max 4100 1 GHz Segmentable Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
Opti Max 4120 1.2 GHz RPD/RMD Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
Opti Max 4120 1.2 GHz Segmentable HFC Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
Opti Max 2741 Multi‐functional Node Operation, Installation and Maintenance 3 horas
Amplifiers and Line Extenders 
Flex Max 901e 1 GHz T/B Amplifier Operation, Installation and Maintenance 2 horas
Flex Max 601e 1 GHz Amplifier & Line Extender Operation, Installation and Maintenance 2 horas 
Flex Max 331 1 GHz Line Extender Operation, Installation and Maintenance 1 hora
Flex Max 321e 1 GHz Line Extender Operation, Installation and Maintenance 1 hora
Flex Max 902 1.2 GHz Trunk/Bridger Operation, Installation and Maintenance 1 hora
Flex Max 332 1.2 GHz Line Extender Operation, Installation and Maintenance 1 hora
BLE100 1 GHz Line Extender Operation, Installation and Maintenance 1 hora
BLE120 1.2 GHz Line Extender Operation, Installation and Maintenance 1 hora
MB100 1 GHz MiniBridger Operation, Installation and Maintenance 2 horas
MB120 1.2 GHz MiniBridger Operation, Installation and Maintenance 2 horas
AgileMax OBI Elimination Operation, Installation and Maintenance 2 horas
FTTMax RFoG ONU Operation, Installation and Maintenance 2 horas
NH4000-UVP Universal VHub Operation, Installation and Maintenance 2 horas
NH4000 VHub Operation, Installation and Maintenance 2 horas
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